Saturday 1 November 2008

Presenting our work at the Bluecoat

The image on the floor of the Bluecoat "hub" as you come in the front entrance advertises the Free Thinking Festival going on in Liverpool venues this weekend, including the Bluecoat and Liverpool FACT.

Today people in the "hub" at the Bluecoat had an opportunity to talk with Philip and Hangfeng about the two channel videowork they have made up during the e-space lab international exchange project so far. Hangfeng called us from his studio in Shanghai, showed us round his space, and the view of the nightscape of Shanghai through his window. In all of our exchanges the capacity for misinterpretation and misunderstanding is the default position. What is amazing is how the development of understanding can grow through trial, error and guesswork; the heuristic process.

The video of songbirds in a park in Shanghai is called; birds in cages are artworks, and the video of birds in an aviary in the UK (Basingstoke, where Philip C. lives) is called; birds in aviary are artists. Further work is being undertaken and will be shown later.

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