Hua Gai
"herb of spiritual potency"
"mushroom of immortality"

Common name: Ganoderma, Reishi Mushroom, Ling Zhi
Traditional Chinese Medicine values Ling zhi as the highest ranked herb. Among hundreds of species of roots, grass, woods, furs, animals and stones classified in Seng Nong's Herbal Classic regarded as the cornerstone of TCM, it is ranked number one.
Reishi was acclaimed as a divine herb that could bestow longevity. It was also deemed as an elixir of life and that it could augment good health and well- being. This might be the case when certain mushrooms were treated as objects of worship or as objects of mysteries describing them as celestial herbs possessing panacea properties.
Originally, Ganoderma was a herbal medicine used in China.
Lingzhi, long considered an elixir, was an ancient times and was therefore much treasured and sought-after. When found it made for a fitting present for the Emperor. It was said that this was the illusive herb that was sought after by the first emperor of China in his quest for longevity.

Niterói Contemporary Art Museum, Brazil
Oscar Niemeyer
The saucer-shaped modernist structure, which has been likened to a UFO, is set on a cliffside, at the bottom of which is a beach.