This latest bonsai posting of yours reminded me of some of the satellite views of the UK that I've been documenting as part of my research for 'A41 -Through Road', a pinhole photography project that I hope to complete this year.
Your composite aerial image of that elegant curving motorway was not too dissimilar to some of the relevant road sections that I have copied from Google Earth within the last few weeks. I notice that the way you have presented Yingbin Dadao tricks the mind into first 'reading it' as a side elevation... bringing to mind (for me) a wave.
Having given Yingbin Dadao a second look, I also see a caterpillar (hairy cat)... I notice that this relates to 'butterfly' and 'silk road' which were byproducts of earlier postings.
Yinbin Dadao, literally means "VIP-Welcome Boulevard", that's the Meglev train and express way connection the Pudong airport. I very like the idea of a caterpillar, a centipede(in Chinese also have a local name. "one-hundred feet"). But that's not the life size, as it's an aerial view from G.E. which also one point of my idea, namely, this kind of new high way, actually a human-absent scale, in a lose-control situation, the sight-seeing passenger speaking. So my attempt to my work, here the "Suburbia Bonsai", is a new window scene for the passengers no matter new comer or regular visitors, drivers, a voice of fresh will. I would continue the caterpillar and your Way A41 in new blogs. A parallel universe?
The e-space lab project is exploring how internet connections between people in diverse urban and international contexts can enable a dialogue that helps make more meaningful a reciprocal representation of what the conditions of actual everyday life in different places really are. Many of the ideas, illusions and misrepresentations that shape our understanding of where and how other people live in places different from our own can fall away in this kind of dialogue, and also be replaced by a live and ongoing pattern of multiple alternative representations. The forms that we use range from the human voice (by Skype or phone), text, text messages, and images produced by digital cameras and mobile phones, video of course, and even to web pages and podcasts. We like to engage with these forms in a process of dialogue and exchange, using whatever resources are available, and exploring the potential of new tools as they come on stream, especially streaming video. As artists we are especially interested in the role the arts play in valuing practices and the human qualities that shape everyday life in the different places we find ourselves.
This latest bonsai posting of yours reminded me of some of the satellite views of the UK that I've been documenting as part of my research for 'A41 -Through Road', a pinhole photography project that I hope to complete this year.
Your composite aerial image of that elegant curving motorway was not too dissimilar to some of the relevant road sections that I have copied from Google Earth within the last few weeks. I notice that the way you have presented Yingbin Dadao tricks the mind into first 'reading it' as a side elevation... bringing to mind (for me) a wave.
Bonsai Beach...?
Having given Yingbin Dadao a second look, I also see a caterpillar (hairy cat)... I notice that this relates to 'butterfly' and 'silk road' which were byproducts of earlier postings.
Yinbin Dadao, literally means "VIP-Welcome Boulevard", that's the Meglev train and express way connection the Pudong airport. I very like the idea of a caterpillar, a centipede(in Chinese also have a local name. "one-hundred feet"). But that's not the life size, as it's an aerial view from G.E. which also one point of my idea, namely, this kind of new high way, actually a human-absent scale, in a lose-control situation, the sight-seeing passenger speaking. So my attempt to my work, here the "Suburbia Bonsai", is a new window scene for the passengers no matter new comer or regular visitors, drivers, a voice of fresh will.
I would continue the caterpillar and your Way A41 in new blogs.
A parallel universe?
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